Jacqueline BredaComment


Jacqueline BredaComment
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Serves: 1 (about 20 oz. w/ foam)

Prep time: 20min, including cleansing



2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, for cleansing

2 large golden beets

2 large oranges

1 inch ginger**

1 large lemon



- Fill a large glass bowl with cold water, adding 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

- Trim beet greens* from beetroot as well as the end of the root on the opposite side

- Soak beetroot, oranges, ginger and lemon for 15 min, scrub with a vegetable brush until wax residue is removed, rinse

- Peel oranges and lemon

- Add all ingredients to juicer, adjusting to recommended speeds

- Pour into glassware

- Enjoy!



*Set aside the beet greens and use them for salad, pesto or steam them, adding garlic and spices and use as a side dish!

GINGER TIP: When using ginger in juices, I like to add it in the middle of the juicing process in between ingredients. Since ginger is small I like to ensure the pulp and juice don't get stuck in the blade but rather pushed through with the next ingredient.