
Denise Lotito-george

“Lucky for me, Jacqueline came into my life right after the sudden and very unexpected loss of my husband. I was feeling broken, and unable to control my emotions. My entire life I was a strong person, always in control of everything, yet the trauma of my husband’s death was far more than I was able to handle on my own. I scheduled my first reiki session within the first month of his passing, I was IMMEDIATELY comforted. Jacqueline is gifted far more than I could have ever imagined, she not only connected with him immediately through spirit, she was able to provide me with a powerful message and a personal sign, (one that only I would know from him) that gave my great comfort. Each and every session left me with a feeling of rebalance, as well as relaxed, yet energized and peaceful. I have continued my reiki sessions for the last year and a half, at first weekly, now bimonthly, and I can say I feel myself again. I chose my reiki sessions with Jacqueline over grievance group, private therapy or medications. The sessions with Jacqueline comforted my soul and helped me heal far more than anyone else could provide any type of support. Jacqueline provided calmness and a feeling of relaxation along with clarity to assist me with next steps and important decisions. I look forward to our sessions, Jacqueline listens and understands what I need, the benefits are long lasting and continues to enhance my recovery. I highly recommend Jacqueline and her gift to anyone looking to enhance their well-being, I don’t know where I would be on my journey to recovery without her.”

Dana Deciccio

“Jacqueline is talented psychic medium, energy worker and Reiki practitioner. A session with Jacqueline will take you on a multidimensional journey where she is able to connect deeply and with great accuracy to spirit. Jacqueline delivers information with accuracy, compassion and deep truth to help you step into alignment with your true and higher self. 

One of the things that sets Jacqueline apart from other psychics and mediums is not her ability to channel love and light but also her ability to hold space in the darkness. Jacqueline is a warrior who can see deeply into the dark, sit with you without fear and in doing so helps you transcend the darkness by opening a door to transformation with her energy work and words. Jacqueline understands intuitively deep truths about the full scope of healing, empowerment and real world accountability. In a session with Jacqueline you will get the multidimensional messages of spirit but also real world actionable advice. Jacqueline cares deeply about her clients and understands that the path to true healing is about the marriage of the mystical and real world action. Jacqueline especially shines when she mixes the messages of spirit with her extensive knowledge of the chakras, intuitive eating, nutrition + reiki. 

Jacqueline is truly a quintessential healer who helps you flourish in mind, body + soul! Do not hesitate to book a session with her today- you will not be disappointed!”

Victoria Hudson

“Jacqueline is very attuned to the vast realm of energy. I love her gentle approach and the ease of receiving Reiki energy at a distance while in the comfort of my own sacred space. I am a very sensitive and hyper-aware being—if I become ungrounded or am experiencing sensory overload from external circumstances, the stress can manifest as a physical/emotional imbalance within me. Receiving Reiki is incredibly helpful for clearing blocks and releasing dense, low vibrational energy, by softening those energy knots within. While I am a believer that we are the only ones who can truly heal ourselves, Reiki is a wonderful modality to help facilitate that process within you on an etheric level which is often only accessible with the help of a guide in the physical realm. My sessions with Jacqueline always leaving me feeling lighter, clearer and more in control of my life as the conscious creator I am and all of us truly are. No matter what you’re going through, Reiki is certain to assist you on your path to optimal well-being, alignment, and harmony from within.”

Katie jaeger

“I’ve had multiple sessions so far with Jacqueline and they all have been so incredible! Her grounded energy and passion for her work shines through so powerfully. She’s incredibly intuitive but also very down to Earth at the same time which helped me feel calm, supported and seen. Our sessions also confirmed questions I had a feeling about but needed more clarity around. I highly recommend doing a session with her as they’ve helped me start to find my own inner source of power and healing which has been so amazing.”

Nina Corinella

“Jacqueline was easy to talk to, her voice was very soothing and calm, it helped me relax and disconnect. I received notes from Jacqueline the next day with a full recap of what areas she worked on as well as an overall Reiki guide. After each session, I feel more relaxed and lighter. At the end of each session Jacqueline shares spirit messages she receives during our session, it's always a treat for me that provides a deeper meaning of events around me.”

Kristen harlow

“Jacqueline’s Reiki work is focused and incredibly effective. She gives really detailed intuitive information after the fact that totally meshed with what I was experiencing as she worked on me. I woke up the next day feeling very rested, and I spent a long time thinking about the different messages she shared. I highly recommend her energy healing!”

Danielle Bernard

“My virtual reiki session with Jacqueline was incredibly helpful in finding the areas in my life that I need to pay attention to. I wasn't sure since the reiki session was virtual if I would be able to physically feel the effects but I absolutely could. I could feel as she was doing work at each chakra especially the ones that needed balanced the most. Her notes and messages after my session were so helpful for me to look at aspects of my life that I am trying to navigate through. It gave me a lot of clarity. Jacqueline has such an amazing gift and is such a warm and comforting guide. I will be booking more sessions soon!”

Marine Fourment

“I had my first Reiki session with Jacqueline a couple weeks ago and I can’t wait for the next one. I have rarely felt as relaxed as I felt after the session. I was not familiar with Reiki and Jacqueline explained everything to me and made sure I was feeling comfortable before, during and after the session. She is really amazing, loves what she does and goes above and beyond her clients expectations. If you are looking for a healing and relaxing Reiki session, don’t look further!”

Melissa Waite Stamps

“Jacqueline Breda has amazing abilities as a Psychic Medium. When we first met in a class I was teaching, she was exploring the loss of a family friend. She had been getting deep messages from Spirit that she was learning to understand. Her natural gifts led her to receive accurate and uncanny messages. She is enthusiastic about learning complex knowledge. She is open and willing to go down Spirit rabbit holes to help Spirits who want to be seen and heard and comes through with specific information. She has sensitivity and empathy that is amazing. She is a natural Energy worker, Psychic and Trance Medium. I highly recommend her.”

Samantha Noel Fabiszewski

“With the stress of covid and my anxiety and depression, Reiki was the perfect solution! Not only was I surprised with the wonderful results within my body and soul but the accessibility of Reiki over zoom is a game changer. At first, I was unsure about the idea of remote Reiki, not knowing how the energy would affect me, but I was pleasantly surprised by Jacqueline’s approach. I could feel the energy and a heavy warmth throughout my body as she moved throughout my chakras. Living at home in a time like this I have not had much time to relax or do any much needed self-care, but by the end of my 30 minute session my energy felt cleared and my body was completely relaxed. I will definitely be scheduling another session and would recommend Jacqueline to anyone in need of some healing or general relaxation!”