ancient keys

ancient keys Is a circle of oracles led by psychic healer Jacqueline Breda & psychic medium dana deciccio.

our focus is sprit driven healing


sacred Healing session

join us in this sacred journey where we will cross into other dimensions throughout time and space to bring forth areas that need healing in your mind, body and soul.

1 1/2 hour session $222


group shamanic journeys

We will be hosting group shamanic journeying for collective healing via meetup. The Shamanic Journey is a way to connect with spirit to find guidance, information, healing, wisdom and knowledge.

This group is for individuals who feel comfortable connecting with as well as channeling Spirit. A willingness to speak and share with others openly is essential.

Each participant is encouraged to freely share with the group visions, symbols and messages that come through during the journey. We will travel across the astral plan to different dimensions to see, hear and feel direct messages and spirit driven healing.

1 1/2 hour journey - Free!

8pm-9:30pm, via zoom

2nd Saturday of every month

ancient keys on YouTube

click the link below to listen to our weekly shamanic journeys.

dana & i have been doing these journeys every week for almost 3 years. we began as a way to heal trauma from our past with spirit’s guidance. it has been incredibly deep and magical connecting with our guides and beings from all across the universe. we decided to share our journeys for anyone who is curious to learn more about what it is like to journey through the dimensions and traverse the landscape of worlds that know no time or space.

contact us

Follow us on IG @ancient_keys_oracles!