retreat schedule

10-day schedule

Day 1 - arriving in Peru

☽ arrive at Cusco airport

☽ private transportation to the hostel in the city center

☽ time to relax and rejuvenate

☽ 7 pm welcoming dinner

Day 2 - welcoming ceremony

☽ 9 am breakfast @ qura

☽ 11 am Travel to the Sacred Valley

☽ 12:30 pm Check in to the retreat center

☽ 2 pm Lunch

☽ 3 pm rest before the ceremony

☽ 6-8 pm evening ceremony

  • Puspanjali

    a welcoming celebration to introduce ourselves and connect. we will offer Puspanjali which means an offering of flower petals & garlands to honor and welcome our guests.

  • Pranayama

    breathing techniques for acclimating to the high altitude of the Andes region.

  • Vedic-Andean Fire ceremony w/ herbal elixir

    a fire ceremony where you will set intentions for the journey ahead. The Vedic fire ritual, known as Homa, Puja, or Yajna, is considered sacred. It is where we connect with the goddess Agni, and allow her to burn away impurities in our energy that no longer serve us.

  • we will guide you in a kirtan ceremony, a call-and-respond method of singing the Vedic mantras to raise your energy through transcendental sound vibrations,

  • during the ceremony, we will serve a local herbal elixir which is infused with reiki energy to raise your vibration in the mind, body, and soul.

Day 3 - ayahuasca ceremony

☽ 9 am light breakfast (optional)

☽ 11 am Inca yoga flow

  • Inca Yoga is a unique style of yoga mixing Spanish, Quechua, and English. This yoga session is designed to connect each other with Pachamama and the native culture. we will stretch the muscles and open the body up before receiving the sacred medicine

☽ 2-8 pm Free time

☽ 8 pm ayahuasca ceremony begins

  • Opening prayer by Saranagati Dasi

    we will open the circle with a sacred prayer, inviting in the highest light and vibration and creating a circle of protection.

  • Rhapé ritual

    A Rhapé ritual involves blowing sacred tobacco through the nostrils and into the prefrontal cortex of the brain. a shaman serves this medicine to the receiver using a kurpipe or v-shaped pipe usually made from bamboo or other natural materials. This ritual clears the mind and body of toxins and negative energy. it is both a mental and physical release that prepares one for their ayahuasca journey.

  • 3rd eye activation + intuitive tarot reading

    a personal energetic clearing of the third eye. this technique is done to open the pineal gland and clear any energy that is stuck, preparing you for the ayahuasca awakening. a personal intuitive animal card will be pulled for your journey ahead.

  • Ayahuasca journey - ’divine feminine Connection’

    the first aya journey is focused on connecting with your divine feminine energy.

  • With your intentions in mind, you will be served the sacred medicine. we will assist you in surrendering and connecting to this divine energy.

☽ 2 am Closing circle with OM chant

  • we will close the circle by thanking our guides for coming to connect with us and taking you on your sacred journey.

  • we will chant OM, the sacred sound vibration that is connected to the third eye and is the sound of the universe, bringing us together in harmony and closing the space.

Day 4 - integration day w/ Saranagati Dasi

☽ 9 am breakfast

☽ 10 am Sacred sharing circle

☽ 11:30 am Divine Feminine ritual w/ rose tea

☽ noon somatic hip stretching sequence

☽ 1 pm group reiki w/ love replenishing meditation

☽ 2 pm lunch

☽ 3-8 pm free time

☽ 8 pm Andean Cosmovision

  • a quiet evening of learning spiritual knowledge from the Andes. The Andean Cosmovision is a way of perceiving and interacting with reality found in the indigenous culture of the high Andes.

  • Vedic-andean Class: discover the power of the Chakana & Yantras, aka, Sacred geometry from Vedic and Incan cultures. learn how to use them to ascend your consciousness and tap into other realms of existence.

Day 5 - ayahuasca ceremony

☽ 6 am morning Gaia tri meditation (optional)

☽ 9 am light breakfast (optional)

☽ 11 am Inca yoga flow

  • Inca Yoga is a unique style of yoga mixing Spanish, Quechua, and English. This yoga session is designed to connect each other with Pachamama and the native culture. we will stretch the muscles and open the body up before receiving the sacred medicine

☽ 2-8 pm Free time

☽ 8 pm ayahuasca ceremony begins

  • Opening prayer by Saranagati Dasi

    we will open the circle with a sacred prayer, inviting in the highest light and vibration and creating a circle of protection.

  • Rhapé ritual

    A Rhapé ritual involves blowing sacred tobacco through the nostrils and into the prefrontal cortex of the brain. a shaman serves this medicine to the receiver using a kurpipe or v-shaped pipe usually made from bamboo or other natural materials. This ritual clears the mind and body of toxins and negative energy. it is both a mental and physical release that prepares one for their ayahuasca journey.

  • 3rd eye activation + intuitive tarot reading

    a personal energetic clearing of the third eye. this technique is done to open the pineal gland and clear any energy that is stuck, preparing you for the ayahuasca awakening. a personal intuitive animal card will be pulled for your journey ahead.

  • Ayahuasca journey - ’divine masculine Connection’

    the second aya journey is focused on connecting with your divine masculine energy.

  • With your intentions in mind, you will be served the sacred medicine. we will assist you in surrendering and connecting to this divine energy.

☽ 2 am Closing circle with OM chant

  • we will close the circle by thanking our guides for coming to connect with us and taking you on your sacred journey.

  • we will chant OM, the sacred sound vibration that is connected to the third eye and is the sound of the universe, bringing us together in harmony and closing the space.

Day 6 - integration day w/ Saranagati Dasi

☽ 9 am Breakfast

☽ 10 am Sacred sharing circle

☽ 11:30 am divine masculine ritual (anger releasing)

☽ noon somatic hip stretching sequence

☽ 1 pm group reiki w/ love replenishing meditation

☽ 2 pm lunch

☽ 3-8 pm free time

☽ 8-10 pm psychic class w/ sensory deprivation

  • learn more about the spiritual awakening journey, how to work with your guides and other beings, and understand the messages you receive via the 6 clairs

Day 7 - ayahuasca ceremony

☽ 9 am light breakfast (optional)

☽ 11 am Inca yoga flow

  • Inca Yoga is a unique style of yoga mixing Spanish, Quechua, and English. This yoga session is designed to connect each other with Pachamama and the native culture. we will stretch the muscles and open the body up before receiving the sacred medicine

☽ 2-8 pm Free time

☽ 8 pm ayahuasca ceremony begins

  • Opening prayer by Saranagati Dasi

    we will open the circle with a sacred prayer, inviting in the highest light and vibration and creating a circle of protection.

  • Rhapé ritual

    A Rhapé ritual involves blowing sacred tobacco through the nostrils and into the prefrontal cortex of the brain. a shaman serves this medicine to the receiver using a kurpipe or v-shaped pipe usually made from bamboo or other natural materials. this ritual clears the mind and body of toxins and negative energy. it is both a mental and physical release that prepares one for their ayahuasca journey.

  • 3rd eye activation + intuitive tarot reading

    a personal energetic clearing of the third eye. this technique is done to open the pineal gland and clear any energy that is stuck, preparing you for the ayahuasca awakening. a personal intuitive animal card will be pulled for your journey ahead.

  • Ayahuasca journey - ’harmonizing with the divine union’

    the last aya journey is focused on balancing the feminine and masculine energies.

  • With your intentions in mind, you will be served the sacred medicine. we will assist you in surrendering and connecting to this divine energy.

☽ 2 am Closing circle with OM chant

  • we will close the circle by thanking our guides for coming to connect with us and taking you on your sacred journey.

  • we will chant OM, the sacred sound vibration that is connected to the third eye and is the sound of the universe, bringing us together in harmony and closing the space.

Day 8 - integration day w/ Saranagati Dasi

☽ 9 am Breakfast

☽ 10 am Vipassana silent Meditation begins

  • Vipassana is the practice of silence and going within to connect to the inner self. the aim of this practice is total liberation and full enlightenment. it liberates the mind of many thoughts and feelings as well as eliminates the three causes of all unhappiness: craving, aversion, and ignorance.

  • you will practice vipassana for the full day.

☽ 10:30 am journaling and reflection

☽ 11:30 am Divine masculine & feminine balancing ritual

☽ noon somatic hip stretching sequence

☽ 1 pm group reiki w/ love replenishing meditation

☽ 2 pm lunch

☽ 3-5 pm free time

☽ 5-7 pm temazcal re-birthing ceremony

  • A temazcal is a ceremony where participants sit in a dome-shaped sweat lodge. The temazcal is purposefully shaped in a dome-like manner to represent a woman’s womb. Upon leaving the temazcal, you are spiritually re-born.

☽ 8-10 pm galactic ceremony

  • Connect with our star families for healing and transformation. you will be guided through a DNA upgrade meditation and connected to galactic beings to further evolve your consciousness.

☽ 10 pm Vipassana silent meditation ends

Day 9 - closing ceremony

☽ 9 am breakfast

☽ 10 am gratitude circle

☽ 11 am - 8 pm free time to explore the sacred valley

☽ 8 pm closing ceremony

  • closing circle with om chant & Bhakti Dance Yoga celebration

    we will hold gratitude for Mother Earth as she opened the path into her soul and Father Sky for illuminating the way. This space is for everyone to share their experiences and realizations.

  • afterward, lokah will lead a Bhakti ecstatic dance experience that is full of energy and joy. connect with your body and celebrate the beauty of life while listening to the Transcendental sound vibration.

  • to close we will chant om three times, honoring our sacred connection to the universe.

Day 10 - free day to explore Cusco

☽ 9 am breakfast

☽ 11 am travel back to Cusco

☽ 12:30 pm - 7 pm free time to explore the city or join us for a guided tour of Sacsayhuamán

☽ 7 pm dinner & send off w/ special gift