ayahuasca cleanse + preparation

Before partaking in an Ayahuasca ceremony, it is recommended to follow a physical cleanse for at least 2-4 weeks before the ceremony as well as prepare mentally and spiritually for the experience.

Cleansing removes toxins stored in the mental, emotional, and physical body. Doing so before ingesting the plant medicine allows one to experience a deeper connection to the plant's spirit and thus receive a more profound healing. this purification process is equally as important as the ceremony itself.

Physical Cleanse

Gut/Brain connection

A physical cleanse not only removes toxins stuck in the body but also strengthens the emotional and cognative functions of the brain. the gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication system that links the brain and gut with the vagus nerve. when eating a diet focused around clean, unprocessed foods, our brain health is increased and vice versa. the physical dieta for ceremony will increase brain health, thus preparing you mentally and physically for the journey ahead.

the Dieta

Beginning 2-4 weeks before the ceremony, the following foods and substances should be avoided. a list of wellness-promoting foods and practices is also suggested.


☽ Meat (especially red meat & pork)

☽ Seafood

☽ Dairy, including eggs

☽ Sugar (natural, unprocessed honey is ok as it contains sacred geometry & light codes)

☽ Spicy foods (including black pepper)

☽ Garlic, onion (as they are aphrodisiacs)

☽ Cacao or chocolate (as they contain caffeine)

☽ Fermented foods (yogurt, tofu, sauerkraut, kimchi, soy sauce, kefir, etc.)

☽ Refined oils (virgin coconut oil & cold pressed avocado oil only)

☽ Processed foods

☽ White breads

☽ Excess salt

☽ Alcohol

☽ Caffeine

☽ Tobacco products

☽ Prescription drugs (Antidepressants such as SSRIs, MAO inhibitors, Sleep medications, Barbiturates, and Alpha- and beta-blockers)

☽ street drugs (cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, marijuana, and MDMA)

☽ sex (refraining from sexual activities, including masturbation, retains energy reserves needed by the body for physical endurance during the ceremony.)


☽ Water (64+ oz. per day)

☽ Herbal teas

☽ fresh pressed juices

☽ Grounding vegetables (beets, carrots, potatoes, parsnips, yucca, ginger, turmeric, etc.)

☽ vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, cucumber, celery, squash, etc.)

☽ leafy greens (kale, spinach, romaine, collard greens, etc.)

☽ sprouts (sunflower, alfalfa, lentil, etc.)

☽ fruits (berries, pineapple, banana, mango, watermelon, etc)

☽ nuts (cashews, almonds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, etc.)

Additional wellness-promoting practices to incorporate:

☽ Oil pulling

  • removes toxins in the body

☽ Lymphatic Massage

  • releases toxic fluid in the body through lymphatic drainage

☽ myofascial massage

  • releases stuck emotions stored in the muscle tissue

☽ Yoga

  • aligns the chakras, opens the energy field, and releases emotions

a note on tyramine:

“Ayahuasca (specifically, Caapi vine, one of two principal ingredients in the ayahuasca brew) is an MAO-inhibitor, meaning it temporarily inhibits the activation of the monoamine oxidase (MAO). This enzyme is essential to process the amino acid tyramine, so it’s important to refrain from eating foods high in this amino acid — otherwise, your body could reach toxic levels that cause headaches or hypertension.” - psycedelictimes.com

Read more about the physical effects of cleansing and the importance of purging during an ayahuasca ceremony here.

Mental Preparation

preparing yourself mentally is an essential aspect of embarking on the sacred medicine journey. by doing so, you are communicating with the mind that you are ready for new experiences and open to healing. the medicine will first bring forward situations and parts of yourself that you avoid. having compassionate curiosity and being open will help you move through the journey with love. setting an intention will anchor you into the experience.

answer the following questions to explore why you are stepping into this journey. having clarity will bring deeper healing and understanding.

☽ Setting intentions

  • what would you like to heal?

  • is there an aspect of your life that you would like to improve or get clarity around?

  • are you going through a difficult time and want assistance on your path forward?

  • do you want to heal your inner child's wounds? if so, what are they?

  • do you want to heal an addiction? if so, what would your healed self look like?

  • what do you want to learn about yourself?

  • what pain or trauma do you want to release?

spiritual preparation

the sacred plant medicine opens you to many spiritual dimensions, free of time and space. it connects you to higher vibrations, your higher self, other dimensional beings, guides, ancestors, shadow self, and more. even if you are spiritually connected, practicing your rituals leading up to the ceremony is recommended. this will communicate to the world of spirit that you are ready and willing to go higher and understand the true nature of reality.

ways to activate the spiritual connection:

☽ guided meditations

  • Listening to meditations that connect you to your higher self or the universe will create a bridge to the spirit world

  • click here to listen to a 21-day chakra activation meditation. this powerful meditation will prepare you energetically for the journey ahead.

☽ chanting mantras

  • chanting the sacred Vedic mantras of the universe will directly connect you to higher realms of existence.

☽ listening to solfeggio frequencies

  • sacred sound vibrations to evolve your consciousness. learn more here.

Post-ceremony practices

just as the physical, mental, and spiritual preparation is essential to the medicine journey, so is integration. the integration process will be your guide to transformation. the medicine is merely an initiator to your healing. how you integrate the teachings will determine the level of healing you receive and directly impact your transformation. during this time, spirit will test you to see if you have learned the lessons. below are recommendations to follow for achieving your highest healing potential.


  • it is recommended that you follow the dieta 2-4 weeks after the ceremony as well. this assists the body in physically integrating the medicine and preventing the body from going into shock when returning to a regular diet.

  • a Reiki session is a great way to rebalance the energy field in the mind, body, and soul.


  • Self-reflection is key to integrating lessons the plant teacher shared with you. A few ways to do so is by journaling and expressing through art - drawing, painting, dancing, singing, and more.

  • having a professional therapist for deeper healing and comprehension is highly recommended.

  • refer to this guide for understanding how to cope with healing internal wounds


  • continuing a spiritual practice will help you to better understand the spiritual truths brought forth by the sacred medicine. this will also keep the connection to the spirit world open if you want to continue receiving guidance and working with the energies that came to you during your journey.